![[ppt#48] Fischerle - α-ribbon [ppt#48] Fischerle - α-ribbon](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/ppt48290.jpg)
[ppt#48] Fischerle – α-ribbon
Fischerle’s “α-ribbon” is also a peculiar summary. The album dusts off and smooths out dub techno and hip-hop in creased places, creating a dense network of lines confusingly similar resembling a map. And although we do not find its equivalent in any contemporary atlases seen, it is obviously a version of Africa. Dark, futuristic and...
![[ppt#47] Lech Nienartowicz - Wrażenia i mechanizmy [ppt#47] Lech Nienartowicz - Wrażenia i mechanizmy](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/PPT47290.jpg)
[ppt#47] Lech Nienartowicz – Wrażenia i mechanizmy
Album “Wrażenia i mechanizmy” (EN: “Impressions and mechanisms”) is the next stage of Lech’s vast explorations. On one hand it is enjoying the achievements of concrete music and melancholic ambient and on the other – interwoven with the remains of rhythm and sound micro-occurrences. The entirety of the album sounds like a Rousselian mechanism, exposed...
![[ppt#46] Ostrowski - Further Fluctuations [ppt#46] Ostrowski - Further Fluctuations](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ppt46-700-290x290.jpg)
[ppt#46] Ostrowski – Further Fluctuations
“Further Fluctuations” by Ostrowski sounds like a dream about artificial intelligence that has broken out of control of its creator. The programmed system gradually begins to behave like a living organism and make unpredictable decisions. This fascinating vision is also a disturbing one because we do not know whether the movements of the machine are...
![[ppt#45] Wojtek Kurek - Ovule [ppt#45] Wojtek Kurek - Ovule](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ppt45-700x700-290x290.jpg)
[ppt#45] Wojtek Kurek – Ovule
Wojtek Kurek’s music on the new Pawlacz Perski tape can be explored in the context of the richness of rhythmical divisions, or sonoristic experiments occurring at the meeting point of percussion’s and electronic sounds. However, these traits are only tools for the ultimate goal. The essence of this material is its unusual narrativity. Despite...
![[ppt#44] Paide & Fischerle presents Doubts 2 [ppt#44] Paide & Fischerle presents Doubts 2](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/ppt44-7x7-290x290.jpg)
[ppt#44] Paide & Fischerle presents Doubts 2
Doubts is a compilation, whose guiding principle is searching for new solutions for a selected musical genre. To this end, artists and music producers unrelated to the particular music genre are invited to participate in the compilation. In the first part of Doubts, the main topic was dub techno. The second edition of Doubts...
![[ppt#43] Mech - Sub-Clouds [ppt#43] Mech - Sub-Clouds](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/mech700x700-290x290.jpg)
[ppt#43] Mech – Sub-Clouds
“Sub-Clouds” by Mateusz Wysocki and Michał Wolski is a record of a visit to the sound laboratory. The encounter of experienced musicians always has an experimental dimension, but in the case of the Mech duo, the laboratory metaphor also perfectly suits the description of the musical structure. A sterile, machine pulse, which is a...
![[ppt#42] Melatony - Melatony [ppt#42] Melatony - Melatony](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ppt42-290_290.jpg)
[ppt#42] Melatony – Melatony
Hubert Zemler’s new project is the musical equivalent of melatonin, which is known as the ‘sleep hormone’. The undoubtedly relaxing potential of the record’s first part filled with monotonous krautrock motifs and warm pastel colors might push a careless listener straight into Morpheus’s arms. Later on, the dream appears only as a vehicle for traveling...
![[ppt#41] Grupa Etyka Kurpina - Wendy [ppt#41] Grupa Etyka Kurpina - Wendy](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ppt41-290_290.jpg)
[ppt#41] Grupa Etyka Kurpina – Wendy
Dreamy cinema is characterized by fragmentariness, references to historical aesthetics discarded long time ago and what’s more, by plenty of psychoanalysis. “Wendy” – a project of the Grupa Etyka Kurpina / Etyka Kurpina Group – is a soundtrack to this precisely image. The narrativity and assembly composition of the music are united here with the...
![[ppt#40] Rhythm Baboon - Baboonism [ppt#40] Rhythm Baboon - Baboonism](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ppt40-290_290.jpg)
[ppt#40] Rhythm Baboon – Baboonism
On the new Pawlacz Perski summer release Rhythm Baboon trapped us in rhythm, which – according to experts in the subject – is a distant reminiscences of Chicago’s footwork. Meanwhile is sticking our shoes to asphalt that is cooling down after a hot day with a strongly stretched, dubby chewing gum. A proposal for sluggish...
![[ppt#39] Naphta / Braki – Under The Face [ppt#39] Naphta / Braki – Under The Face](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/ppt39-290x290.jpg)
[ppt#39] Naphta / Braki – Under The Face
We are mainly seeking emotions in the faces of those whom we talk with, but after crossing the skin line the absorbed emotions dissolve and spill all over the brain. ‘Under The Face’ is trying to capture this very moment – when we do not understand yet, but we already feel. Naphta – a Wroclaw...
![[ppt#38] ADPC – There Is No Conclusion [ppt#38] ADPC – There Is No Conclusion](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/ppt38-290_290.jpg)
[ppt#38] ADPC – There Is No Conclusion
Once again Krzysztof “Arszyn” Topolski and Tomasz Duda are guests at Pawlacz Perski premises. This time they are accompanied by Wojtek Kurek and Łukasz Kacperczyk, who previously – as Paper Cuts – released two cassettes in a befriended label called Wounded Knife. ‘There is no conclusion’ is a meeting of two duets improvising with each...
![[ppt#37] Computer Says No – Enfant Terrible [ppt#37] Computer Says No – Enfant Terrible](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ppt37-290_290.png)
[ppt#37] Computer Says No – Enfant Terrible
Once again, after a series of discrete electroacoustic improvisation, tapping sounds are coming from the storage space. This time, a horrible kid got stuck there while falling into a tangle of tentacles made of grempline and stylon, which for years of being necrotic, suddenly came to life under the influence of the youthful energy...