![[ppt#36] Bachorze – Okoły gnębione wiatrem [ppt#36] Bachorze – Okoły gnębione wiatrem](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ppt36-290x290.png)
[ppt#36] Bachorze – Okoły gnębione wiatrem
The musicians of Bachorze are playing as if they took to heart the Captain Beefheart’s advice – You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore . ‘Okoły głębione wiatrem’ [PL: Crofts oppressed by wind] are dirty noisy substances caged by irregular pulse and infected with the blues virus. Psychodrama? Staging? Urban...
![[ppt#35] Paide & Fischerle presents Doubts [ppt#35] Paide & Fischerle presents Doubts](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/ppt35-290x290.png)
[ppt#35] Paide & Fischerle presents Doubts
The Doubts compilation comprises dub techno tracks. Paide and Fischerle – the selectors and decision-makers – decided to change the artists’ standard direction of explorations. Trying to reverse the classic order of compilations alike, we invited the producers associated with widely understood experiment for whom the dub techno music has so far been an unexplored...
![[ppt#34] Cukier – 821 [ppt#34] Cukier – 821](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/ppt34_290x290.jpg)
[ppt#34] Cukier – 821
This 50-minute long recording by Cukier (Polish for Sugar) is a stodgy portion of sonic calories for electroacoustic improvisation lovers. But the musicians serve not only sweets – the listener is treated to a rich main course in the form of free jazz explosions over a neurotic drumbeat. The lyrical and melodic clarinet parts,...
![[ppt#33] 3FoNIA (Jacek Mazurkiewicz) - Mneme [ppt#33] 3FoNIA (Jacek Mazurkiewicz) - Mneme](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/ppt33_290x290.jpg)
[ppt#33] 3FoNIA (Jacek Mazurkiewicz) – Mneme
“Mneme” contains two recorded live real time compositions revealing a variety of approaches to a contrabass idiom. In the first one electronic exorcism bring out the rough matter of a difficult to identify nature from the body of the instrument. In the second composition the secret treatments carried out by using a bow introduce us...
![[ppt#32] Emiter - Odzyskane [ppt#32] Emiter - Odzyskane](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/ppt32_290x290.jpg)
[ppt#32] Emiter – Odzyskane
The music on the album ‘Odzyskane’ [PL: Recovered] functioned initially as a soundtrack for a play by Ludomir Franczak. While transferred into a Pawlacz Perski tape, it draws attention by its minimalism and based on repetitions form, which is the starting point for weaving a variety of electronic textures. ‘Odzyskane’ is a...
![[ppt#31] AU79 - Opiłki i Makrostruktury [ppt#31] AU79 - Opiłki i Makrostruktury](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ppt31_290x290-290x290.jpg)
[ppt#31] AU79 – Opiłki i Makrostruktury
AU79 is a project by Paweł Klimczak and Jędrek Jendrośka known for their most diverse activities in the field of music – from editing Lineout.pl website (no longer running) to a DJ-producer’s duo Pvre Gold. For quite some time they are working solo now – Jędrek as a DJ Ryan R is exploring vinyl...
![[ppt#30] Arszyn / Duda - Automata [ppt#30] Arszyn / Duda - Automata](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ppt30_290x290-290x290.jpg)
[ppt#30] Arszyn / Duda – Automata
The album by the Arszyn/Duda duo is a proof of the timeliness of electroacoustic music. “Automata” is filled with the saxophone, tuba and percussion sounds. Besides that we will hear some preparations, glitches, amplified objects and microinterferences at the rear of this recording, which – in combination with the peculiar perspicuity and significance of wind...
![[ppt#29] Umba - "Event Horizon" [ppt#29] Umba - "Event Horizon"](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ppt29_290x290.jpg)
[ppt#29] Umba – “Event Horizon”
Cover: Gosia Słomska “Event Horizon” is the first cassette release by Artur Marcinkowski who mainly deals with vigorous varieties of techno music. The mini-album is a cross-section through his oeuvre, includes both erupting with dance floor pep tracks and dreamy, contemplative recording. Music: Artur Marcinkowski Mastering: Michał Wolski Reviews: Slyvinyl | Rozhlas | FYH | Nowamuzyka | Redbull Event Horizon [ppt29] by Umba
![[PPT#28] Promieniowanie - Luty [PPT#28] Promieniowanie - Luty](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ppt28_290x290.jpg)
[PPT#28] Promieniowanie – Luty
Cover: Gosia Słomska Luty (EN: February) are two twenty-minute improvisation pieces based on modular synthesizer and sounds of guitar, percussion instruments & objects. Bartek Kalinka and Wojciech Kwapisiński offer us music full of subtle detuning and ephemeral auditory events, oscillating slowly between fading away and exertion. Reviews: Slyvinyl | Decoder Luty [ppt28] by Promieniowanie
![[ppt#27] Duy Gebord – "Kelp" [ppt#27] Duy Gebord – "Kelp"](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ppt27_290x290.jpg)
[ppt#27] Duy Gebord – “Kelp”
Cover: Gosia Słomska Kelp resembles a story about a non-existent maritime blur of garbage. The blur visits cold effusions, meets the white snails & green sea anemones. Dives into areas next to the map, stirring kelp with magnetic tape. In Kelp Duy knoted guitars, field recordings, glitch samples and electronic beats that float on the...
![[ppt#26] Lech Nienartowicz / Michał Wolski – "Split" [ppt#26] Lech Nienartowicz / Michał Wolski – "Split"](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ppt26_290x290.jpg)
[ppt#26] Lech Nienartowicz / Michał Wolski – “Split”
Cover: Gosia Słomska Split is an encounter of two experienced musicians, who daily operate in slightly different musical worlds. Lech Nienartowicz for the purpose of this recording reached for string instruments sounds, which are shot like a mad mechanism for a dozen or so intense minutes. Whereas Michał Wolski descended a few octaves below...
![[ppt#25] Dot Dot - City Animal [ppt#25] Dot Dot - City Animal](https://pawlaczperski.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/290x290-okladka.jpg)
[ppt#25] Dot Dot – City Animal
Cover photo by: Izabela Wrzos “Life in the city is the ability to move through the urban jungle. The constant rush, pushing through the crowd, traffic, waiting at the pedestrian crossing. For some – frustrating, for others – exciting. I love to get on a bike and watch the world in slow mode. Sometimes I observe people...